Windows are an essential aspect of any structure. They allow natural light to come in while also allowing us to look outside. They do, however, come with their own drawbacks. Without proper protection, your windows can usher in more problems than benefits. However, installing a 3M window film can solve many of these problems in a cost-effective, aesthetic way.
Safety and Security
Windows are an excellent way for us to look out, but they’re also a way for people to look in. This can threaten your building’s security and increase the likelihood of a smash and grab robbery. In addition, window film can tint your windows without restricting the light or view you have from the inside. This hinders their view into your building, making you less of a target.
These films can also strengthen your windows, meaning in an extreme storm or a bomb blast, you are less likely to be injured by shattered glass as it holds together against the shock.
Energy Savings
Extreme outdoor temperatures can significantly impact interior temperatures. For example, in the summer, we may find ourselves cranking up the A/C, whereas, in the winter, we will increase the heat. This can drive up energy costs to keep up with the intense temperatures. Window film can assist in maintaining a comfortable interior environment by keeping the interior cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter without impacting your view of the outdoors.
Glare, hot spots, cold spots, and interior furnishings fading can make it a very uncomfortable environment. Window films can reduce glare, eliminate hot and cold spots, and preserve the quality of your interior furnishings. This will make it a much more welcoming environment for your tenants.
Etched, cut, frosted, and branded glass are brilliant ways to make your building stand out. As beautiful as these upgrades are, they can be expensive to install. Window film can achieve these aesthetics at a fraction of the cost.
3M window films are a brilliant way to upgrade your building without spending more than you need. It’s essential to find professionals who can correctly apply window film. This ensures high-quality results and longevity.
If you are ready to invest in high-quality, 3M window film installation for your commercial windows, contact us today for a quote.