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Alexis Ware

What Causes Fading and Sun Damage?

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A frequent misunderstanding is that UV rays are the reason you can get hazy floors and solar destruction to furnishings. Though they are a big contributing factor, as is common knowledge, they only make up about 40% of the potential damaging factors. Solar heat and detectable light are also considerable contributors, composing about 25% of the issue. The last element is made up of an assortment of things we basically put under the title “Other.” These are factors like interior lighting, humidity, etc.

What can I do to minimize the potential for sun damage?

The first thing you need to understand is that you can’t simply “halt” fading absolutely unless the object you want to guard is in a shaded, air conditioned room. In real life, the best you can do is go after the huge causes of fading in a big enough way to decelerate the progress. Opting into the application of window film to your home windows can be the necessary defining action to protect from fading and sun damage. By decelerating the issue with window film, you strengthen the essence of your floors or furnishings.


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3M Window Films are warranted to maintain their solar properties without bubbling, peeling, cracking, or crazing. Many of our films are warranted against discoloration, too. (Those which do not use dyed polyesters). Should the product proved to be defective, 3M and the authorized 3M Dealer will replace the film and provide the reapplication labor free of charge.

Seller also warrants against glass failure due to thermal shock fracture or seal failure (maximum value of $500 per window) caused only as a direct result of the application of 3M Window Films provided the film is applied to recommended types of glass and the glass failure is reported to the seller within the specified time (listed below) from the start of the installation.

  • Sixty (60) months coverage against thermal shock fracture
  • Forty (40) months coverage against seal failure if covered by original window manufacturer

Any glass failure covered by this warranty must be reviewed by Seller prior to repair, and only covers film and glass replacement.

Optional Platinum Warranty – Residential Applications Only
The 3M Platinum Warranty matches the terms and conditions of the residential customer’s existing window manufacturer’s warranty. The 3M Platinum Select Warranty matches the terms of the Platinum Warranty, but also increases the replacement value of $500 per window to $1500 per window. This allows the customer continuous coverage on new windows and the peace of mind having assurance that a product from 3M is protecting their investment.

Contact us for details!