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Window Film Answers

Window Film Answers

By | Residential Window Film

Over the years, window film has gained some popularity as a way to upgrade your home cost-effectively. However, with this sudden notoriety comes many questions and not many answers. We have collected five of our most frequently asked questions and hope to answer them.

What is window film?

Window film, also referred to as window tint, is a film that you apply directly onto a window. It can provide many advantages, including cooling, reinforcing, and protecting your home while maintaining your outside view. There are many films to choose from, allowing you to select which film will fit your needs the best. And because it is applied directly to the window, it is much cheaper and easier than replacing all your windows with chemically altered glass.

Is it transparent?

It all comes down to what you are looking for in your window film. Some can come crystal clear, while others can be opaque. For example, if you are looking for extra privacy, you will likely not get a super transparent film. However, you probably won’t need as much of a restricted view for heat reduction.

How dark is it?

As stated above, you can choose from many different kinds of films depending on your needs. For example, if you want complete privacy, a darker tint will be more to your liking versus simply wanting to strengthen your windows with a lighter shade.

Does it reduce the light coming in?

3M window films are designed explicitly to allow natural light to stream in a while, still giving you the advantages of your tint. They can prevent the fading of interior furnishings, reduce the glare on your TV screens, and control the internal temperature of your home without hindering the natural light coming in.

Can it be installed on MY windows?

The simple answer is yes! Our professionals have been trained to handle any kind of window. Whether a sliding glass door or a spectacular high rise, we can install your film onto any shape or type of window.

We hope this answers some of your questions! If you would like to inquire about our services, contact us today for more information!


Window Film Installation

Factors To Consider Before Window Film Installation

By | Residential Window Film

There are multiple reasons why window film has gained popularity over the years. Window films bring many benefits to your home for the cost, and with so many options, it’s easy to find the film that fits your needs. When looking at window films it’s important to consider the factors that will impact your investment.

Professional Installation

When investing in anything, you want to ensure you get the best quality for how much you are paying. To get window film that performs at its highest capacity, it’s essential to ensure that it is installed correctly. The fit and adherence to the window dramatically impact the film’s performance. This is why hiring professional window film installers is worth the investment. It guarantees the highest quality results without taking the burden of installation onto yourself.

Kinds of Window Tinting

There are various types of window films available on the market for you to choose from. UV window blockage, security films, decorative window films, etc. This variety allows you to select the films that meet your needs.


One of the main reasons someone decides to install window film is heat reduction. The summers can get hot and drive up your energy bill due to the frequent use of the AC. The application of window films can lower your electric bill by insulating your home, and keeping your interior environment more comfortable.


The kind of film you require can impact how much it costs. The size, detailing, and kind of film you decide to install will affect your budget. This should be considered when looking at a film to meet your needs.

If you have more questions about the types of films we offer or want to inquire about our installation services, contact us today!

Learn About Window Film From Custom Glass Tinting, Inc.

Learn About Window Film From Custom Glass Tinting, Inc.

By | Uncategorized

Window film has steadily gained notoriety as a way to upgrade your home efficiently. However, with this growing awareness comes many questions we hope to answer! Here are five of our most frequently asked questions and our responses to them:

What is window film?

Window film, also known as window tint, is a film that is applied directly to the windows. It serves many functions like tinting, reinforcing, shielding, and cooling your home while not hindering your outside view. A wide variety of films are available that serve different purposes and advantages. Because it is applied directly to the window, it is extraordinarily simpler and cheaper to install than new, chemically altered windows.

Is it transparent?

It depends on what you’re looking for in your film. Some come practically clear for a distinct outside view, while others can go entirely opaque for extra privacy. In addition, they can come in various colors, textures, and transparencies. This allows you to get precisely what you need for your home.

How dark is it?

As stated before, you have a wide variety of films to select from depending on your needs. For example, if you want added privacy and security, a darker film may be more up your alley. However, if you are simply seeking to reinforce the strength of your windows, then you won’t need as dark a tint.

Does it reduce the light coming in?

3M window films are explicitly designed not to hinder the light coming in. They can prevent fading of interior furnishings, control the temperature, and reduce glare on your electronic screens without impeding your view or restricting light.

Can it be installed on MY windows?

The short answer is yes! Our professionals have handled everything from sliding glass doors to fancy high rises. We can work with just about any type or shape of window out there.

We hope this answers some of your questions! If you would like to inquire about our services, contact us today for more information!


Residential Window Tint Benefits Custom Glass Tinting, Inc.

Residential Window Tint Benefits

By | Residential Window Film

Often when we hear the words “window film” or “window tint,” we immediately think of car windows. Though car window tint is definitely in popular demand, there is another window tint that can be very beneficial to you and your family.

Window films for your home offer a variety of benefits that can not only lower your electric bills and protect you and your family from intruders and the outdoor environment. Harmful UV rays, home intruders, etc., can all be dangers to your home that window film can prevent against. Here are some ways installing window film can upgrade your home:

First off, window film can drastically reduce the heat coming in. The summers can be brutal, especially this past year. Many may not realize it, but their windows are the main reason their home cannot retain the cool air of their A/C. Windows let a lot of heat into the house, making your A/C work harder than it should. Window tints can offer a shield against the sun, cutting up to 67% of the heat. This also reduces your cooling costs by up to 30%, making this the main reason homeowners are installing window films.

Along with the heat, the sun also brings another battle for homeowners: UV rays. UV rays, also known as ultraviolet rays, are known for their effect on the skin. We were taught at a young age to apply sunscreen when spending long periods outside in the sun. However, did you know that these same rays can also affect you inside your home? UV rays can cause damage to the skin, as well as your interior furnishings. Fading, aging, deterioration, and more can result from UV rays. Window films can protect your home from up to 99.9% of UV rays.

In addition to UV rays, other invaders can cause much more immediate damage: home intruders. Smash and grab robberies are pretty standard, and the damage and loss can be devastating. Even if you have insurance, the violation of a stranger in your home taking your things can be scary. This is where window film comes in. Window film can tint your windows to reduce their view into your home. Most of the time, robbers will not go for a difficult target. Instead, they want an easy target that can get them in and out quickly, with a good chance of getting something of value. If they cannot easily see into your home, they cannot determine whether your house has enough valuable items to steal.

Window film can vastly improve your home, make your environment safer, and make you generally more comfortable in your own home. If you are ready to upgrade your home using window tint, contact us today for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions on Window Film – Custom Glass Tinting, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions on Window Film

By | Residential Window Film

Over the years, window film has become a well-known method of upgrading your windows. With this notoriety comes a variety of questions without a lot of answers. We have collected 5 of our most frequently asked questions, and hope to answer them for you.

Does my window film come with a warranty?

Every window film we install is a 3M brand backed by the 3M guarantee. This warranty is considered one of the best in our industry. If you still have more questions, contact us today for further details.

Will it fit all of my windows?

All of our available window films can be custom cut to fit whatever shape or size you need for your windows. Each film can be cut to each window to fit perfectly without gaps or visible seams.

Can it be applied on double panes or doors?

We can install window film onto any Low-E coated, even tempered windows. Double panes, sliding doors, and other windows can be upgraded with various choices for our films.

Can you install window film on skylights?

Many homes have a window called a skylight, which is a window installed in your roof that allows you to look directly at the stars and weather from the comfort of your own home. Though it is in a more precarious location, skylights can have window films installed when in the care of a professional team trained for such installments.

Will I be able to remove it myself?

Our team strives to install your window film properly to last for as long as you need. If you ever no longer need the film, you can simply remove it without your windows sustaining any damage.

We hope this provided some clarity for you as you seek answers, and if you are ready to start your window film installation, contact us today!

Window Film Questions Answered by Custom Glass Tinting, Inc.

Window Film Questions Answered

By | Residential Window Film

Window film has quickly grown in popularity to upgrade your home without worrying about total window replacements. As it has gained more attention, more questions are being asked. We’ve made a list of some of our most frequently asked window film questions and hope to answer them for you!

Will there be reductions in internal temperature?

The heat during the summers can impact the inside of your home more than you realize. Your windows are a great way to let natural sunlight in, but they also let the natural heat of the sun in. Window films can vastly reduce the heat that comes in without hindering your view to the outdoors.

How will this impact the value of my home?

We cannot give precise numbers; however, window films are a fantastic way to add value to your home. In southern states like Florida or Texas, where it’s extraordinarily hot, window film is a significant asset worth the increased price when buying a home.

How messy is the installation process?

We strive to achieve five-star service for every installation we do. This means we keep things clean, organized, and contained so it does not impact the customer more than it has to.

How expensive is it?

Window film is a one-time investment that can bring you overall savings over time. You can see a drop in your energy bill expenses while also saving money by installing a window film instead of a total window replacement.

How long will it take to install the window film?

The installation process can vary from client to client. Numerous factors affect how long it takes to install window film, including the kinds of windows, window film, outdoor conditions, and more. However, overall, window film can be installed within a day.

Window film brings many benefits to the table regarding your home or business. We hope that we have answered some of your burning questions! If you are ready to install window film, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Interior home, looking out on a storm through a patio door or a tall window. Protect your home windows from natural disasters with 3M window film.

Fortifying Your Home Against Natural Disaster

By | Security Window Film

Protecting and fortifying your home is essential to feeling like you are in a safe environment. Securing your home through locks, security systems, and alarms is a common way; however, protecting against the elements is just as important. Hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, flooding, blizzards, etc., can also harm your home. Here are a few ways you can protect your home and your family:

First, look inside and see what you can change or add. Insurance is a great place to start. Making sure that your home and auto insurance is up to date can ensure that in the case of an emergency, you will have the means to repair and replace what is damaged.

Next, you will want to keep flashlights around the house. We may have flashlights on our phones, but if the power goes out, this will drain our phone battery quickly, and you will need your phone to contact people for help or keep track of the weather outside. A few high-powered flashlights tucked away around the house can make it easier to navigate your home during a power outage.

Keeping your pantry stocked with a few days’ worths of food can make all the difference for you and your family. Natural disasters that prevent you from leaving your home or cause power outages can hinder you from feeding yourself and your family. Food that can be quickly cooked or eaten without cooking can help you stay safe and provided during an emergency.

Now that we’ve taken a look inside the home let’s explore how you can reinforce your home on the outside.

Getting your trees professionally trimmed can make a big difference in appearance and safety. High winds can cause loose tree limbs to fall on your home, causing damage and injury.

When the forecast predicts weather with high winds or hail, you should take the time to secure and bring on your valuables from outside. Lawn furniture, pool equipment, lawn equipment, etc. It can be expensive to repair or replace if it blows away or sustains damage.

Finally, installing window film is a great way to protect your home. Our safety and security film can reinforce and strengthen your windows against high-impact objects. In the case of breakage, our film also holds the glass together to prevent injury caused by tiny shards.

We hope this assists you in protecting and securing yourself and your family.

Exterior window, with sun on it. Custom Glass Tinting, Inc. a 3M Window Tint installer explains the top reaons for installing window tint.

Top Reasons For Installing Window Tint

By | Residential Window Film

Reasons For Installing Window Tint

Safeguarding and protecting your home and belongings is an essential aspect of life. Not only do you want to protect against thieves, but you also want to preserve the quality and lifetime of your furnishings. One sure way to do this is by installing window tint on your windows. We have composed a list of five reasons why window tint can be a beneficial and essential addition to your home.

  • Glare

When driving, it is essential to be able to observe your surroundings as well as the road ahead of you. When your windows create a glare, it can harm your ability to see hazards on the road or potential car accidents. Glare can also stop you from clearly seeing your electronic screens, whether a work computer or television on movie night. Tinting your windows can reduce glare and create a comfortable environment.

  • Privacy

Windows allow natural sunlight into an indoor environment and for us to look outside. However, the traditional glass window will enable others to look inside. This can make it easier for criminals to observe the value of your property and encourage break-ins. Tinting your windows can limit their view into your property while still maintaining the view you have to the outside.

  • Protection Against UV Rays

UV rays can be harmful to both you and your interior furnishings. These rays can cause aging to both your skin and your belongings. Wrinkles, discoloration, dryness, fading, and material deterioration are all side effects of UV rays. Tinting your windows can reduce UV exposure, preserving the value and age of your furnishings.

  • Energy Savings

Regulating your home’s interior temperature during extreme seasons like summer and winter can be expensive. Running your A/C and heater through these seasons drives your energy bill and can age your units quicker. Tinting your windows can assist in maintaining a comfortable temperature without constantly running your A/C or heating units.

  • Aesthetics

Our final benefit on our list is the aesthetic appeal window tinting can bring to your property. This may not seem like a huge benefit, but for someone selling, showing, or renting a home or vehicle, window tints can increase the value and appeal to potential renters or buyers.

These are just a few of the numerous reasons to get your windows tinted. To find out more benefits of getting your windows professionally tinted or to get a quote, contact us today.

Home window film installation questions answered by 3M window film installation companies – Custom Glass Tinting, Inc.

Window Film Installation Questions

By | Residential Window Film

Upgrading your windows with window film can be a massive step towards a more comfortable and sustainable home. However, finding an ideal provider and installer of window films can be difficult. Therefore, we have composed just a few factors for you to consider when looking at hiring professionals for your window tinting needs.

Find out Warranty Details

Major window film manufacturers have warranties for their various films. These warranties describe what is covered and provide contact information for you to find the installer. If they do not offer a warranty, they will typically have a lifetime warranty. In those cases, you will need to prove that they were the ones to install the film. You will likely not have it replaced with the same kind of film you initially purchased. This is why it’s essential to understand all aspects of the available warranties and get a copy of the warranty card to keep.

Who is the Window Film Manufacturer

It is vital to find out who provides their window film. If they do not want to answer or cannot give a clear answer, it is best to walk away and find someone else. Typically, when an installer cannot answer that question, they change films frequently or use much lower quality films.

Verify Their Credentials

Determining what qualifies that company to install window film professionally can help you narrow down who to hire. For example, how long have they been professionally installing window films? Are they a small business doing this all from their garage, or are they a full-scale operation?

It’s important that whomever you hire for this big of a project is someone you trust. At Custom Glass Tinting, Inc. we strive for excellence and transparency. If you are ready to take the next step toward upgrading your home or vehicle, contact us today for more information.

Robber at the window. Custom Glass Tinting, Inc. explains window film for enhanced home security – Custom Glass Tinting, Inc.

Window Film For Enhanced Security

By | Security Window Film

Security window film comes with many benefits that can upgrade your home. However, it can seem like an expensive upgrade, so the question is, “Do I need this?” The simple answer is yes! Security window film can instantly reinforce and protect your home while reducing heat and glare.

Window film adds an extra layer of protection for your family by reinforcing the strength of your windows. This makes them harder to break and reduces the risk of injury due to shattered glass in the case of a broken window. It also reduces the visibility of an outside viewer attempting to look inside your home while preserving your natural light and view of the outside. You can also add some personality to your windows by using our decorative privacy film, which can be translucent, patterned, frosted, etched, and more.

In addition to all of these benefits, security film can also reduce up to 99% of harmful UV rays and keep your home cool and comfortable by blocking the heat coming in. Our safety and security films also come with a scratch-resistant coating and a factory-backed warranty that will help keep the film looking brand new for years to come.

At Custom Glass Tinting, Inc. we believe in providing the absolute best quality results with our window tint installation. Our consultants are ready to assist you in finding the right film for you. Contact us today if you’re ready to upgrade your home with security window film.